Broadband/Mobile Survey

A survey of Penallt residents was conducted during July 2023 polling the quality of broadband and mobile reception in the village. Some 26 responses were received and a summary of these is given below.


25 had a fibre to the property connection (1 didn’t know) and, of these, 20 had download speeds of 50 Mbps or more. All regarded their connection as Satisfactory or better. The state of broadband in Penallt is generally very good.

Mobile Phone

A wide variety of providers was listed with EE and O2 being the most popular. The most significant responses came to the questions asking about the strength of 3G, 4G and 5G signals received inside residents’ properties. These are summarised below:-

It is clear that the provision of mobile phone signals in the village is inadequate overall.


Film Night Programme - Autumn 2023


Hall survey - brief summary