Village Walks

Walkers portrait 1.jpg

Penallt is endowed with a large variety of local walking options and is also linked to two fine long distance walks; the Wye Valley Walk passes through the parish following the river, while Offa’s Dyke Path is readily accessible a few metres over the River Wye. Longer routes from the village give access to local towns and villages. There are many public footpaths and bridleways around the village which can be linked together to provide circular routes. Seven of these are described below with a link to an annotated route guide which can be printed or downloaded along with a GPX file for each walk. Most roads and lanes are very quiet and make for excellent walking..

These circular walks and other footpaths in the village are maintained by volunteers (the Penallt Footpath Group). Offers of assistance are always welcome, as is any feedback on problems or obstacles (e.g. fallen tree) on these walks – please contact Footpath

Be a responsible walker - several footpaths pass through private gardens and many through grazing pastures or crops; so please ..

  • Keep strictly to footpaths and did not stray into private gardens or land

  • Ensure dogs are kept under control at all times, observe request for dogs to be kept on a lead and always when in someone’s garden as there may be chickens, geese, ducks or other animals loose

  • Clean up after your dog - bag it and bin it

  • Always leave gates etc as you find them, e.g. close them after you if they were closed when you arrived.

    The most recent Countryside Code issued by Natural Resources Wales can be found here

Village Circular Walks

Paths in the Parish contain many stiles which may prove challenging for dogs. Most of the walks may, depending on the dog of course, prove to be dog unfriendly as a result. Those which are dog friendly (mostly in the longer walks category) are shown with an asterisk after their title below.


Length: 4.7 km; total ascent: 170 m

Time: 65-85 minutes

Grade: Two stiff climbs, several stiles

Starting/end point: Penallt’s village green situated above the Bush Inn

Updated: July 2022

Kingfisher - River Walk

Length: 7.3km; total ascent 290m

Time: 100-150 minutes

Grade: Several stiff climbs, stiles

Starting/end point: Penallt’s village green situated above the Bush Inn

Updated: May 2024

Swallow - Old Church

Temporarily unavailable


Length: 5.7 km; total ascent: 100m

Time: 70-90 minutes

Grade: Gradual climbs only, several stiles

Starting/end point: Penallt’s village green situated above the Bush Inn

Updated: May 2024


Length: 3.1 km; total ascent: 115 m

Time: 40-60 minutes

Grade: Gradual climbs only, several stiles

Starting/end point: Penallt’s village green situated above the Bush Inn

Updated: September 2022


Length: 6.3 km; total ascent: 110m

Time: 70-90 minutes

Grade: Two moderate climbs, several stiles

Starting/end point: Opposite Tregagle Bus Stop

Updated (and shortened): May 2024

Kite - Troy Farm

Length: 6.8 km (+4); total ascent: 290 m

Time: 100-120 minutes (+50 for town option)

Grade: Two climbs, steep descent, stiles

Starting/end point: Penallt’s village green situated above the Bush Inn

Updated: March 2023

Longer Walks (some are still in development)