Speed Limit Survey Results
In advance of a September 16 meeting between Trellech United & Mitchel Troy Councillors Richard John and Jayne McKenna, a survey of Penallt residents was conducted. The purpose of the survey was to get a representative view of Penallt residents about what speed limits would be appropriate.
The survey was promoted via a special edition of the Penallt newsletter which was successfully delivered at 4.20 pm on Tuesday 13th September to 273 email addresses in the Penallt community. By the survey closing time of 1pm on Thursday 15th the mail had been opened by 216 recipients and, of these, 112 clicked the link to the survey. Finally, the survey was completed by 72 people, all of whom had a postcode within the Penallt ward boundary.
Of these 72, 33 resided in the central part of the village, i.e. that affected by the proposed speed limit zone, and the remaining 39 lived outside this centre, but still within the Penallt ward boundary. Note also that answers were not required for any but the first question about postcodes, so the number of responses does not add up to 72.
Views on two proposals were sought, these being the original 20mph plan put forward by our Councillors at an open meeting on August 1st, the other being a counter proposal for a 30mph limit generated at the meeting. These proposals were
Q2: Regarding the original 20 mph proposal
Q3: Regarding the counter 30 mph proposal
Many Penallt residents live outside the areas shown in the maps above, e.g. Tregagle isn't included as it is not one of the seven "Wye Valley Villages" (Wye Valley Villages Plan — Penallt Village Website). It could be helpful therefore if residents' views on speed limits in the postcode where they live could be presented to our Councillors too
Q5: Where I live in Penallt, I think that the speed limit should be