Happy Birthday to Us!

It has been a year since we launched the revised Penallt website, so a good time to reflect on what we achieved and how we move forward. One key driver in creating our new website was that the previous hosting company and web technology provider were no longer able to support us. The original website was an extremely tough act to follow; David May had invested a great deal of time and skill creating an information rich website over many years and we were keen to maintain the relevant wealth of information.

The aim was to deliver a website that was: visually appealing, built using a top-ranked website platform, easy to manage, a facilitator for content creation and provided a long term technology platform. Our prime objective was that it should be the ‘go-to' resource for up-to-date information about village life as well as providing information about local services, activities and people. Moreover, it should also provide a resource for visitors to the village and surrounding areas.

The website is funded by Pelham Hall and provides an important source of information for all events and activities in and around the Hall as well as giving details on how to book various Hall facilities.

So how have we done? The revised web site has had good feedback and new areas such as the Village Walks have been much appreciated and we have been able to provide links to some of your old favourites such as History and the Weather. Information on forthcoming events has until now been rather sparse due to Covid-19 restrictions but the Pelham Hall Events committee are getting us back on track as the restrictions ease.  David has also found a great way of integrating the website into the Village Newsletter so no excuses for not being up to date on local information. One area of opportunity is in promoting local services provided by village residents, please just contact Nikki Scarr if you would like us to promote the services you provide.

What are the next steps? Firstly, to refresh some of the information on current pages; secondly, to improve the website and develop new areas on the site.

If you have feedback on the website, then please just email me with any thoughts you have.

I would like to thank David May and Jon Petrie for their continued work ensuring the wealth of historic information from the previous website is seamlessly accessible.

The revised website project was brought to life by the work of several talented individuals on our team and my thanks go to: Andy Henstridge, David May, Antonia Pearson, Tom Rigby and Bob Scarr. for their continued work on the web site.

Finally, my thanks to you all for using the website. Please let us know your thoughts on how we can improve the site. What would you like to see, for instance?

Nikki Scarr


Defibrillator Training


Pelham Hall and COVID restrictions