Your Church needs you!

Penallt old Church is the oldest building in the village dating from the early 13th century. It has magnificent views and is a place of peace and serenity in which many of our ancestors are buried.

However, the Church and churchyard require continual repair and maintenance and this relies only on local support.

As part of the general maintenance we are spending £26K in the next 2 months repairing the roof and redecorating the internal Nave / South aisle ceilings.

To help with this, Sarah Haeffner’s famous Christmas Raffle in aid of the Church fabric is taking place again!

Tickets are 50p each or £2.50 per book of five. £5 buys 2 books, £7.50 for 3 books and £10 for4 books (i.e. 20 tickets)

There are 3 ways to buy tickets


Use the Book Tickets button (online form) to request tickets which will then be entered into the draw in your name.

After doing this, please pay your money directly into the Penallt Old Church bank account. 

Account: “Penallt Old Church Fabric”
Sort code: 516102     
Account number: 69347433.


Ring Sarah on 01600 712349 and she will arrange to get the tickets to you and collect the money. Sarah also plans to “pop by” and sell some directly!


On the evening of December 22nd at the carol service in Pelham Hall


  • A Wally Keeler pot

  • Cherry Orchard beef pack voucher

  • Bouquet Flower arrangement - (Farr Hill flowers)

  • A case of white wine (6) – (Richard and Liz Minors)

  • Christmas Hamper – (Sue Dean)

  • Plus many other prizes

The draw will take place on Thursday 22nd December at Pelham Hall at 8.00 pm as part of the Carols and Christmas Quiz evening which starts at 6.30 pm in the Hall.


Please support the raffle if you can and ensure our beautiful Church can be maintained in good repair


Cost of Living Support available at drop-in sessions


Update on village speed issue