Off-road motor cycle nuisance
There has been a recent explosion in reports of off-road bikers creating a nuisance in and around the village in recent times - for example driving over the footbridge to Redbrook, using local footpaths, bridleways and restricted byways which are not designated for use by motor vehicles, and even reports of motorbikers crossing private land.
Whilst it appears to be legal to ride along Barn Lane as this seems to be classified as a road, there is plenty of evidence of riding illegally along many of our footpaths too, as above.
What you can do - report activity to 101.
Gwent Police are trying to tackle such problems and, indeed, launched their Operation Harley project two years ago. One resident reported some activity to 101 last weekend and found the police to be helpful. They said they encouraged people to report incidents through 101 to help them get a picture of where and when the problems are happening.
Rights of way and who can use them
A right of way is a path that anyone has the legal right to use on foot, and sometimes using other forms of transport.
Public footpaths are normally open only to walkers
Public bridleways are open to walkers, horse-riders and cyclists
Restricted byways are open to walkers, horse-riders, and drivers/riders of non-mechanically propelled vehicles (such as horse-drawn carriages and pedal cycles)
Byways Open to All Traffic (BOATs) are open to all classes of traffic including motor vehicles, though they may not be maintained to the same standard as ordinary roads.